Erotic Indian Sex Positions

My Mom hadn’t moved from the position I left her. I started rubbing her feet again to test if she was still asleep. When she didn’t budge, I gently ran my hand up her leg to her hemline. I gently slid her dress farther up her thigh until her panties came into view. She was wearing the most beautiful pair of tiny, red lace panties. I pushed her dress up even farther until it was up past her waistline. I sat like this for a while just admiring the view. I noticed that my Mom had a perfectly trimmed brown bush underneath the panties. I was in pain my dick was so hard. I started to tease my cock stroking myself just a bit. As I stared at my Mom’s crotch, I stroked myself a little harder. Soon, I shot my cum all over the side of my Mother’s covers. I hoped it would dry before morning. This whole time my Mom never stirred. I barely began to get soft before my hard-on was back with a vengeance. It slowly put my hand down on my Mom’s thigh near her crotch. I wanted to try to slip my Mom’s. Canegirl decided to cover Anne?spussy with wax. She pulled her lips apart and poured wax all over her pussythen peeled it off only to pour more wax on her. Whipgirl riding Anne?s face commentedon how much better her licking skills become while being waxed which encouragedCanegirl to pour even more, even hotter wax on her. After an hour of non-stoplicking one to multiple orgasms she finally got up. Anne was spent. She babbled?thank yous? while her tired tongue seemed to taste nothing but pussy juice.Even through her nose came nothing but the scent of pussy. As Canegirlpositioned herself over her and slowly squatted down on Anne?s face she moaned.They hadn?t planned on giving her a rest; they just wanted to change places andcontinue. After both girls were satisfied they made Anne standagain, re-tied her hands to the beam, re-gagged her and approached herwith huge strap-ons. Tears dwelled in Anne?s eyes as she saw them pour cinnamonoil over their fake dicks. They explained to her that.
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