Tamil Punjabi Girl With Customer 1

Mom looks up at me, stroking Matthew hair, and smiling. As the minutes passed I was more confident and less timid. I no longer stood as a passive participant and reached down and sank the fingers of one hand into Matthew thick dark hair, the other into my mother's. I watched as the alternated sucking my prick, but it now time to move forward. Mom stood momentarily, kissed my sweetly on the lips, her tongue slipping into my mouth, and then reclined once more down on the bed. Matthew was again standing behind me, one hand holding onto my cock and held it firmly as his other hand pushed me downward. The initial feeling of entering her cunt was mind blowing. I truly could not believe that this moment was happening. Her body shifted and accepted my cock, rising periodically from off the bed. I continued fucking her several minutes when I suddenly a cool liquid substance being applied to my asshole and then a single finger gently inserted. For a brief moment my entire body stiffened. I. The thought of this was almost too much. I closed my eyes and continued to touch you. I could feel you relax. I knew you were very receptive to my advances. I began kissing your neck and licking the rim of your ear. Making sure you could feel my breath. Letting you know I was into pleasing you, I made my way to your lips and softly kissed you. Rubbing my firm breasts across your chest. I slowly worked my way down your chest, rubbing with my hands as well as licking and kissing. I now could feel you putting your strong hands into my hair with such firmness. I know you wanted me to get down to where you really wanted to be kissed and licked. I wanted you to feel my desire for sucking your hard cock. I removed your shorts to reveal a beautiful, hard, throbbing cock waiting to be seduced. I looked into your blue eyes. Gazing into them, letting you know I was pleased with you and I couldn't wait until you were in me. I knelt down, grabbing that cock that felt like steel and gave him a.
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